The February 2024 reopening of the Palm Beach Aquatic & Community Centre provided an updated and expanded activity center to the growing suburb of Gold Coast (Queensland), Australia. The Penetron System of concrete waterproofing products ensured the durability of all below-grade concrete structures and pools exposed to high hydrostatic pressure.
Once a sleepy seaside village In Queensland on Australia’s east coast, Palm Beach is now a vibrant coastal suburb of Gold Coast with around 15,000 inhabitants. The town is bordered by Tallebudgera Creek to the north, Currumbin Creek to the south, and the Pacific Ocean beaches to the east. Unsurprisingly, surfing, boating, fishing, and paddleboarding are popular local pastimes.
Originally built between 1977 and 1981, the Palm Beach Aquatic Centre is a popular aquatic facility. However, in recent years, it met neither updated compliance standards nor the wider needs of a growing population. Plans to enlarge the site into a community center with more comprehensive aquatic infrastructure were drawn up.
“Featuring a subtropical design that reflects the character of the southern Gold Coast region, the new Palm Beach Aquatic & Community Centre has quickly become a center of the Palm Beach community,” adds Jozef Van Beeck, Director of International Sales & Marketing for The Penetron Group
The newly completed community center features a multipurpose hall, breakout area, flexible spaces, and a dance studio. Only the previous 50 meter outdoor pool was retained from the old Palm Beach Aquatic Centre but the new additions include:
- 25 meter outdoor pool
- Heated indoor training pool
- Warm water pool
Last but not least, an improved fitness center, a café with outdoor/indoor seating, a crèche (daycare facility), and an underground parking garage with elevator access were also part of the construction project completed by Badge Construction.
“The constant exposure to water and high hydrostatic pressure common for aquatic structures demanded a robust and proven concrete waterproofing solution,” explains Jozef Van Beeck. “Successfully implemented in numerous similar projects across Australia, the Penetron System was an ideal answer for both the pools and key below-grade concrete structures.”
Penetron Australia provided a durable concrete waterproofing solution for all below-ground concrete. PENETRON ADMIX, a crystalline waterproofing admixture, was added to the concrete mix (>2,000 m3) by Boral, the ready-mix concrete supplier, for the foundation slabs and all pool structures. PENEBAR SW swellable waterstop strips were applied to all pour breaks, and horizontal and vertical construction joints. PENESEAL FH-PS, a clear, penetrating sealer, was used to preserve and harden the concrete surfaces of the parking garage.
“The Penetron System turned out to be a cost-effective solution for the Palm Beach Aquatic Center when compared to conventional alternatives, such as membrane systems or competitive spray on sealers,” adds Jozef Van Beeck.

Palm Beach Goes Penetron: The new community center features a multipurpose hall, 50-m outdoor pool, 25-m outdoor pool, heated indoor training pool, warm water pool, fitness center, and café.