Water Treatment & Storage

Medway Populatic Water Treatment Plant

Medway, MA, USA


However, this treatment proved less effective with one of the groundwater wells (Charles Street), where unacceptable levels of iron and manganese stubbornly held at >1.0 mg/l. As a result, the town mandated the design and construction of a new centralized drinking water treatment plant at Populatic Street for all four wells to ensure a sufficient drinking water supply with acceptable levels of iron and manganese for the growing community.

Products Used

During the planning phase, a competitive concrete waterproofing solution was specified for the Populatic Street project. Penetron recommended PENETRON ADMIX SB, a crystalline waterproofing admixture, to Dauphinais Concrete, the ready-mix concrete supplier, for the walls and foundation slab of the treatment and holding tanks to maximize the service life of the new facility.

Related Media Releases

November 27, 2024

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Products Used



Crystalline Waterproofing

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